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Bioretention captures water from parking lot in Powell, TN.

Bioretention captures water from parking lot in Powell, TN.



Designed vegetated area that holds stormwater runoff

Designed vegetated area that holds stormwater runoff

New Halifax is a traditional neighborhood development with narrower streets and open space preservation.

New Halifax is a traditional neighborhood development with narrower streets and open space preservation.

New Halifax streets are 20’ wide to reduce pavement and provide traffic calming.

New Halifax streets are 20’ wide to reduce pavement and provide traffic calming.

This subdivision has 20' wide roads on the ridges that provide traffic calming.

This subdivision has 20' wide roads on the ridges that provide traffic calming.

This subdivision has up to 150’ wide valleys that are undisturbed.

This subdivision has up to 150’ wide valleys that are undisturbed.

Clustering subdivision with smaller lot sizes and reduced setbacks to preserve about 5 acres of wetlands /valleys.

Clustering subdivision with smaller lot sizes and reduced setbacks to preserve about 5 acres of wetlands /valleys.

Ultra urban bioretention captures stormwater from the streets and sidewalks.

Ultra urban bioretention captures stormwater from the streets and sidewalks.

Stormwater treatment wetland in Blount County, TN (Source: Andrea Ludwig).

Stormwater treatment wetland in Blount County, TN (Source: Andrea Ludwig).

Stormwater treatment wetland (Source: Andrea Ludwig).

Stormwater treatment wetland (Source: Andrea Ludwig).

Ultra urban bioretention captures stormwater from the streets and sidewalks.

Ultra urban bioretention captures stormwater from the streets and sidewalks.

Ultra urban bioretention captures stormwater from the streets and sidewalks.

Ultra urban bioretention captures stormwater from the streets and sidewalks.

This subdivision has 20' wide roads that have grass swales to also absorb and filter stormwater.

This subdivision has 20' wide roads that have grass swales to also absorb and filter stormwater.

A curb cut is used to capture stormwater from road to infiltrate in rain garden.

A curb cut is used to capture stormwater from road to infiltrate in rain garden.

A rain barrel stores stormwater for watering onsite at a later time.

A rain barrel stores stormwater for watering onsite at a later time.

Permeable pavement allows water to infiltrate into ground or holding cell.

Permeable pavement allows water to infiltrate into ground or holding cell.

Residential rain garden captures stormwater runoff from house.

Residential rain garden captures stormwater runoff from house.